「アンリュウ リコーダーフェスティバル 2015」が無事に閉幕いたしました。実りの秋に相応しい、有意義なイベントを開催することができました。ご来場いただいたお客様、開催にあたりご協力いただいた方々に心より御礼申し上げます。フォトグラファーの藤嶋亨氏による写真とともに、3日間を振り返ります。
* 画像をクリックすると、拡大表示されます。
"Anrieu Recorder Festival 2015" finished smoothly. It was a fruitful event which is suitable for harvest season. We greatly appreciate many visitors and the people who has supported us through holding the event. We placed many photos by Mr. Toru Fujishima, photographer, below. We would like to look back on our festival through his photos.
* Please click on an image to enlarge it.
Takeyama Recorder Workshop, Hirao Recorder Workshop, Tomoko ISHIDATE, MASUDA Houshun, Mollenhauer Recorders and Rohmer Recorders participated in the exhibition. Various instruments and accessories were displayed in the venue and it was crowded with visitors.
Various demonstrations including products introduction and mini concert were held each day from 13:00.
We held Open Recorder Lesson by Mr. Shigeharu Hirao‐Yamaoka for three days.
Takeyama's craftsman carried out recorder maintenance.アンリュウ リコーダーギャラリーの向かいにある「ritm(リトゥム)」にて、交流会を開催しました(10月31日)。
We had a reception at "ritm", across the street from Anrieu Recorder Gallery, on October 31.
グラフィックデザイン : NPO法人Co.to.hana
◆ 当ギャラリーのFacebookページです。こちらにもフェスティバルの情報を随時掲載してまいります。